Monday, 16 March 2015

This morning

We were just discussing homeschooling... And what sort of structure to have.

This morning was unstructured, but quite educational anyway, without leaving the new accommodation.

I looked up Wikipedia about geckos, and found out that they can't blink, so they lick their eyes. I got Henry to blink and to try to lick his eyes.

Henry collected some coconuts in the garden, and Winston was shown the parrots in cages by the little girl.

Winston watched a lady scraping out the inside of a coconut with a specialised tool/seat, and we discussed why people in Maldives eat so many coconuts.

Then we drew treasure maps og out new accommodation. Then we played a game where you add lines to dots and write your initial in the box when you complete a square.

Then we did an alphabet sticker book.

Quite productive in hindsight, although it didn't feel so at the time.

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