Friday, 17 February 2012

matching words to pictures

I have printed out some nice pictures in sets of about 10-14 items in fairly random categories.. Then with Winston I write what the items are on separate bits of card and cut them up with him. He likes every stage of the making of these. Then I go through them with him once or twice, and spread them out for him when he asks. I cant believe how quickly he knows which words go with the right ones.

So far we have

Instruments 1
Instruments 2
Sea Creatures
Stuff around the home
Countries with flags (10 countries)
Countries on a map (about 25 countries)
Herbs and Spices
The solar system
Human body

 First thing in the morning he is asking for Primates or Instruments or Polygons. If he could, he would only play with these. So if I need 10  minutes to do something else these are a good baby sitter!

He always claps when he finishes. If he gets something wrong, he usually realises before he finishes. He is totally absorbed in what he is doing.

21months old now.


  1. He is so cute. What a great game. I haven't thought to do this with pictures, but we have done it with actual fruits and vegetables. Such a good idea. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi,

    This is great! Honestly, besides a few dads on the brillkid forum, your daddy blog really surprised me. It's wonderful :)
