Winston 23 months - Henry 2 months
Winston Reading
Winston can read the Key Words books (Peter & Jane) Level 1 and 2. I'm not sure he gets the significance of the words on the page. Also as he can't get enough of writing letters nowdays, I have been printing out the odd sentence, or list of words in a dotted font and he has been able to read anything i have printed so far. I'm sure he can read a lot more words than he shows me, and because he doesn't quite understand the meaning from sentences he reads himself, he prefers to get me to read it to him. Also I think he reads very quickly .. it often says in the Doman books to go faster , so i should keep that in mind.
Winston has a magnetic board covered in letters which he likes to rearrange. He seems to be able to gather the right letters together for his favouriste words (mamma, Henry etc), but cant arrange them in the right order. When we get the word in the right order he likes to put various letters on the end or beginning to see what it sounds like. He finds it quite funny.
He started daycare for 2 hours a day. I said to the teacher that he can read .. how predictable was the response.... my summary ... "careful not to push him to hard"... "he is seeing the words as pictures" ... i said they should put a list of the names of the fish next to the fish tank. at snack time Winston looks at the alphabet and numbers on the wall and calls them out.
He has been picking up my books and picking out the odd word too.
In IKEA and WILLYS (a food shop) he points out everywhere where it says the word and shouts it out.
Winston Writing
I bought the Kumon large wipeable letters intending them to be of use later - see feb 28th post. Winston has been playing around with them for a couple of months now. He is starting to lose interest in the big cards, but he is much keener on smaller letters now. I have been printing out things with a dotted font and he writes over them. I remind him to hold the pen correctly and occasionally show him the right way to write a letter. He loves it. Writing letters is easily his favourite (non biscuit eating) activity at the moment . He's doing very well. Every time he picks up a pen he draws a W and an I .. i guess he is aiming to write his name. He has got good at N in the last few days.. and after a lot of starting off in the wrong direction , he is starting to consistently get S correct. he likes X but rarely manages to do it with just 2 lines. At daycare, which he started this week for 2 hours a day.. they tell us that he likes to draw W and I in the sand .. he says "line dot" when drawing an I .. and "down up down up" when doing a W. I have told them to remind him to hold the pen correctly if he is writing/drawing while at daycare (somehow i dont think they will though!)

Winston Drawing
He has drawn some nice Suns .. a circle with some lines around it and some faces a circle with 3 dots in and told me that they are Mamma and Daddy and Henry and Winston.
Winston Maths
He likes the abacus (i wil´l get a soroban soon) .. but for now it is one with 5 rows of 10 beads. He moves the beads around and i tell him what number it is. If he gets to 10 beads on any one row I move it along and move 1 bead on the next row. He really likes 11 on the abacus.
what else... hes getting quite fussy with his eating .. i dont want to pressure him to eat stuff .. mealtimes shouldnt be a battle. he eats his pasta very well when we go to IKEA for lunch .. what do they put in it ? maybe its more salty than the home food.
Winston Toilet
This has gone backwards. Unless he is not wearing any pants and has a potty close by he will not tell in advance that he wants the toilet. Daycare seem to think that a change every 2 hours is fine .. but he needs the opportunity every hour at most. they will be doing this from tomorrow. Poo is still fine .. but wees are more miss than hit at the moment.
Henry Toilet
He says AH AH before he wants to go and gets quite grumpy .. it already seems that saying "wee wee" can get him to go.
Henry Movement
I put him on a plate on the wooden floor on his tummy today .. read that someone else did that on the Brillkids forum .. he seemed quite happy and managed to turn around a bit. He was there for about 7 minutes before complaining ... laying on his front makes him want to have a wee.