Monday, 8 August 2011


Winston seems to be picking things up even quicker now.  If a new word is relevant and interesting to him ... for  example he was enjoying fresh blueberries that we were picking from the forest (blåbär).... when i wronte this on a card and showed it to him .. then showed him it again a few hours later, he immediately pointed to teh tub of blueberries.

I was just re-watching some videos we made in the last few days, and he is trying to say a lot of the words ... but he is nowhere near being able to pronounce a lot of the letters / phonics.

According to "how babies talk" (an excellent book) ,  this is when babies are able to properly make sounds...
p,m,h,n,w,b - in the first 2 years
r and l - between 3 and 6 years
k,g,d and t - between 2 and 4
ch, sh, z, j - between 3.5 and 8 years

so a word like "toothbrush" is not going to be easy for a 15month old.  But , Winston has a go... i didnt notice until i watched this a few times.

He also really likes the word "tiptoes"
and this video shows most of the letters that he knows .. I am quite sure he nkows more, but he cant pronounce them at all ... and his favorite ones (the ones he keeps getting and announcing what they are), are the ones he can say for obvious reasons.

I made a new book about someone who came to visit. Winston likes it a lot.  He picks out his Mamma on any pages where she appears, and picks out  tiny bits on sweetcorn on a picture of  us having a picnic.

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