Friday, 27 May 2011

car and fingers

C or K is obviously a hard sound to make.

My parents gave Winston a big basket of diecast cars to flick through.  He examined each one and chucked it aside.  On many of them i would tell him CAR or TRUCK or CEMENT MIXER.  Now combined with his new pointing skill... any cars that he sees  , he points at and shouts ARR ... sounds  like a pirate.    I dont think he would get bored of standing next to the motorway announcing all the cars that went past!

When he sees the word FINGERS Winston wiggles his fingers.

I've also noticed that when he sees the book with the word HAMMER on the front , he does the hammer action, regardless of what page its on .. so clearly relates the word to the whole book rather than the page with the word HAMMER printed on it.

He is still pointing to books and calling them UMAs  (a distortion of ELMER , as in Elmer the elephant) ..

In the last few days Winston has been picking up books and chucking them at me because he wants me to read them to him.

Hardly done any words for the last week, due to travelling and visiting .. looking forward to see how keen Winston is when they get back from Stockholm.


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