Winston has started talking in short sentences. His grammar is nice in English - " I did a wee wee". He speaks swedish when he is surrounded by only Swedes..i.e. when I am not there . He is repeating a lot of phrases that I say. He is always singing ABCD ... and Sunday Monday Tuesday etc...
Winston can read. I don't know if he sounds out any words .... i.e. if he can decode a new word ... and I am not sure that which sentences he understands. Maybe I should test him out with things like "the cake is on the table"...
He is really in to writing at the moment. He writes his name on everything (even the wall) . He wants me to print out dotted fonts all the time so that he can write over them. We have been working through the My First Book of Lowercase Letters (Kumon Workbooks)
which he enjoys. I try to stop before he wants to stop.
He also loves the book C of the Peter & Jane series ... the one that requires the reader to fill in some gaps or answer some questions. He has done books 1c, 2c and 3c . Book 4c is too much of a step up, so it would be good to find similar stuff around the book 3c level. It's amazing how long he wants to do this activity for.
W goes to daycare for 3 hours per day Monday to Friday. Today they said that they hadn't seen such a young child writing before.
W is struggling with some letters. X seems to be difficult. Other letters have been difficult, but he is keen to be shown the correct way and then does it the correct way. He hurries with some. i spend a lot of time telling him to go slowly, but if I push this too much, he wants me to do it.
W likes typing words on the computer. Without help , he can type Winston, Henry, monkey, mummy, Daddy, Mamma. lots of the time he says a word and wants me to spell it for him so he can type it out.
He knows all the numbers to 100 quite happily, but wouldn't count that far in one go. generally if i say a number , he will say a number higher. He knows 1 + 1 is 2, but thats about it for sums. He can match the words to the dot cards up to about 4 or 5. It would be quite easy to memorise all the combinations of adding single digits and multiplying up to 10x10. Once that is memorised then doing maths later on will be easy.
His most mentioned country is still Palau. He also like Madagascar. he has home made books about France , Palau, Madagascar and Taiwan. We have some of the national geographic books on the way.
Winston has started talking in short sentences. His grammar is nice in English - " I did a wee wee". He speaks swedish when he is surrounded by only Swedes..i.e. when I am not there . He is repeating a lot of phrases that I say. He is always singing ABCD ... and Sunday Monday Tuesday etc...
Winston can read. I don't know if he sounds out any words .... i.e. if he can decode a new word ... and I am not sure that which sentences he understands. Maybe I should test him out with things like "the cake is on the table"...
He is really in to writing at the moment. He writes his name on everything (even the wall) . He wants me to print out dotted fonts all the time so that he can write over them. We have been working through the My First Book of Lowercase Letters (Kumon Workbooks)
He also loves the book C of the Peter & Jane series ... the one that requires the reader to fill in some gaps or answer some questions. He has done books 1c, 2c and 3c . Book 4c is too much of a step up, so it would be good to find similar stuff around the book 3c level. It's amazing how long he wants to do this activity for.
W goes to daycare for 3 hours per day Monday to Friday. Today they said that they hadn't seen such a young child writing before.
W is struggling with some letters. X seems to be difficult. Other letters have been difficult, but he is keen to be shown the correct way and then does it the correct way. He hurries with some. i spend a lot of time telling him to go slowly, but if I push this too much, he wants me to do it.
W likes typing words on the computer. Without help , he can type Winston, Henry, monkey, mummy, Daddy, Mamma. lots of the time he says a word and wants me to spell it for him so he can type it out.
He knows all the numbers to 100 quite happily, but wouldn't count that far in one go. generally if i say a number , he will say a number higher. He knows 1 + 1 is 2, but thats about it for sums. He can match the words to the dot cards up to about 4 or 5. It would be quite easy to memorise all the combinations of adding single digits and multiplying up to 10x10. Once that is memorised then doing maths later on will be easy.
His most mentioned country is still Palau. He also like Madagascar. he has home made books about France , Palau, Madagascar and Taiwan. We have some of the national geographic books on the way.