Thursday, 29 September 2011

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

potty - self wee

Just now, winston walked into the kitchen ,  sat on his potty and did a wee.

The he got up and took the inner bit out and gave it to his mummy .

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

potty again

Winston went and sat on the potty himself again today .. and did a poo.

We gave him lots of praise and he looked very pleased with himself.

He has started saying "nah" and shaking his head when asked a question.

When he sees a picture of himself he says "didi"

Monday, 26 September 2011

more potty

Caroline and I were in the kitchen.... i walked in to the lounge to find Winston sitting on the potty .. he had both legs to one side of the bit that sticks up at the front.    I straightened him up and he did a poo.  that's the first time he has got on the potty himself to do a poo ..


This morning .. Winston walked over to the potty , sat down and dig a wee in the potty.  We only noticed once he had finished. He is 1 year 5 months and 1 day.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Numbers mubis

When Winston wants to play numbers... He says mubis.

He is very confident of numbers one to five.. Sometimes gets 6.

I like to show him 2 numbers. One of them 1 to 5.... The other a bigger one . He always gets it right whichever one I ask him to point at.

Best of all... He enjoys it....

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Keys - O Eys

Winston was holding keys in the car the other day.

For about 10 minutes he kept repeating O Eees.

O is the same as a K, but without the flick of the tongue .. which takes some time to get the hang of i would guess.  

interesting that he broke the word down in to the two sounds though.